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The Worst Advertisements for the Biggest Brands


I would like to share with you a few bad advertisements that I just found on the internet but at the same time some of them are interesting. They considered bad advertisements for many reasons:

1. They may insult a specific group of people
2. The message is not clear
3. The message is not related to the product or to the purpose of the           advertisement
4. The wrong place for advertising may not give the right message
5. Some advertisements show that the company is not honest about the product that they are promoting

So take a look ...

Burger King - Wrong place for advertising it effects the main purpose of the advertisement, when people see it and then see one beside it they will think twice about buying fast food.

Mountain Dew- Racist advertisement comes from a big well known company 
that will leave a bad impact on the company's name and sale

Botox- "With expression/ without expression" this advertisement is not honest and belittles people. It is a FALSE advertisement

 MacDonald's - Scary Advertisement, its a very bad idea to include blood in advertising for some kind of food.

Intel- They referred to the black people as "employees" and the white man is the boss, its racist advertisement.  

MacDonald's- they wrote Patrik Kane on the bag and left his face purple. "they have no idea what Patrik Kane looks like"

Burger King- FALSE advertising, it says seven inches but the real sandwich is not seven inches.

BiC Pens- Helping Students Cheat Since 1945, they are sending a negative message to advertise their product 

Turkish Airlines- wrong place, it shows the plane going down which makes people think that it might fall down 

Which one was the worst?


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