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Bored of Ads? Take a Look at These and Think Again

Hey everyone!

The secret of all effective advertising is not the creation of new and tricky words and pictures, but one of putting familiar words and pictures into new relationships.
- Leo Burnett

6 Important key for effective advertisement messages:
1.       Grab Viewers attention
The message must be interesting and attracting

2.       Define a value
Giving the costumers reasons to select you, for more information on value proposition see this article on building the best  Unique Selling Propositions.

3.       Make it simple
When the message is simple people will understand it

4.       Focus on target market
knowing target market before making advertisements because one message does not fit all.

5.       Define positioning
the company must know their competitors really well.

6.       Clearly link message
Link the message to the brand

We usually don’t pay much attention to advertisement because at the end of the day, we know that they are just trying to promote their products. However, not all advertisements are boring, some can even make you look twice, so I would like to show you guys some catchy advertisements I found while working on a marketing project.

Sharpie permanent markers- It shows a man drawing a fingerprint for the other man which shows that the pencil can draw small details, its a very creative advertisement

Denver Water – "Use only what you need" on a half chair that fit one person is a creative way to send positive message

Mr. Hot Pepper- It shows a man with smoked head to show how spicy it is, its funny and memorable advertisement 

Kill Bill 2- Its advertising this scary movie in a very unique idea that match the content

RCA Music- By seeing this picture you will immediately know that its about music. 

McDonald's - They are showing fries in an actual potato which is a very smart idea

Evian- "We're all babies inside" a very funny and creative ad that you will remember 

Playtex- "Tattoo Boy" its funny and unusual, it shows that their product is even for difficult babies    

Volkswagen cars- creative and amazing TV advertisements 

Old Spice Swagger- "Action Hero" it shows how different the man can be when he use Old Spice Swagger. Funny and creative.

Maxam Civilization- "Egypt" showing ancient ruins in the context of teeth, it means don’t let germs settle down. Very creative and smart

Ibuprom- "Woodpeckers" it shows how painful headaches is in a funny way

Wrigley Orbit- a funny gum advertisement that attract kids attention too

International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism - It shows how some people in the society are racist. smart way !

Which Print Ad Was the Best?


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My name is Taqwa Al-Ajolouni and I am a marketing student at Sheridan College. I really love marketing because it's something that I can be creative in. It motivates me to unleash my brain and think more about how marketing plays a very important part in our life even when we don't realize it.  Here is more about me After taking more than 40 courses in business and marketing I learned that marketing is needed everywhere, we need marketing to market ourselves and show others what we can achieve whether in work or in our personal life. When someone hears the word "marketing", it comes to mind that its the final step in the business process and all that marketers do is trying to sell the product or the service, in fact, marketing is much more than that, a part of marketing is studying the consumers, understanding their needs, predicting their buying habits and delivering the right message to them. I will be posting more interest